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Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism presented at WCC 10th Assembly in Busan

[Joint release with the Conference of European Churches (CEC)]

Orthodox and ecumenical scholars presented the Orthodox Handbook on Theological Education and Ecumenism at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea on Wednesday, 6 November.

The work was coordinated by an editorial group from the different Orthodox and ecumenical organizations including the WCC and the Conference of European Churches along with a team from Volos Academy in Greece.

The Regnum Studies in Global Christianity publication explores the issues related to the understanding and practise of ecumenism that orthodox churches struggle with, focusing particularly on churches in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

The series publishes studies that will help the global church learn not only from past and present, but also from provocative and prophetic voices for the future.

The editors and the publisher particularly pray that the series, which until now has published four major volumes on theological education, as a public space will encourage the southern churches to make an important contribution to the shaping of a healthy future for global Christianity.

The editors invite theological seminaries and universities from around the world to submit relevant scholarly dissertations for possible publication in the series. It is hoped that the series will provide a forum for South-to-South as well as South-to-North dialogues.

The handbook will provide an essential new tool to work out proper teaching curriculums and essential readings for courses on relations to other churches, ecumenical dialogue and World Christianity in Orthodox churches.

The preparation of the resource book has been a project of the WCC Programme on Ecumenical Theological Education (WCC/ETE) in cooperation with the Conference of European Churches and Volos Academy. The handbook contains the contributions of 110 orthodox scholars within 900 pages.

相關資料/ Related Information:Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism presented at WCC 10th Assembly in Busan

資料提供單位/ Sources from:WCC



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